[flake8] # Specify the number of subprocesses that Flake8 will use to run checks in parallel. jobs = auto # Select the formatter used to display errors to the user. format = default # Print the total number of errors. count = True # Print the source code generating the error/warning in question. show-source = True # Count the number of occurrences of each error/warning code and print a report. statistics = True # Provide a comma-separated list of glob patterns to exclude from checks. exclude = # git folder .git, # python cache __pycache__, # pytest cache .pytest_cache, # mypy cache .mypy_cache # Provide a comma-separate list of glob patterns to include for checks. filename = *.py # Provide a custom list of builtin functions, objects, names, etc. builtins = # Report all errors, even if it is on the same line as a `# NOQA` comment. disable-noqa = False # Set the maximum length that any line (with some exceptions) may be. max-line-length = 160 # Set the maximum allowed McCabe complexity value for a block of code. max-complexity = 10 # Toggle whether pycodestyle should enforce matching the indentation of the opening bracket’s line. # incluences E131 and E133 hang-closing = True # ERROR CODES # # E/W - PEP8 errors/warnings (pycodestyle) # F - linting errors (pyflakes) # C - McCabe complexity error (mccabe) # # E133 - closing bracket is missing indentation (conflicts with black) # E203 - whitespace before ‘:’ (conflicts with black) # W503 - line break before binary operator # F401 - module imported but unused # F403 - ‘from module import *’ used; unable to detect undefined names # # Specify a list of codes to ignore. ignore = E133,E501,W503 # Specify the list of error codes you wish Flake8 to report. select = E, W, F, C # Specify a list of mappings of files and the codes that should be ignored for the entirety of the # file. per-file-ignores = __init__.py:F401,F403 # Enable off-by-default extensions. enable-extensions = # Enable PyFlakes syntax checking of doctests in docstrings. doctests = True # Specify which files are checked by PyFlakes for doctest syntax. include-in-doctest = # Specify which files are not to be checked by PyFlakes for doctest syntax. exclude-in-doctest =