May be this was the reason foot & tmux did not play well
together last time on multiple monitors. This is disabled
by default, so keep it disabled. We will revisit this if
it is actually required.
This reverts commit 8206103d7d.
alacritty master seems to be broken with specifying shell args or
at least seems like it. Starting tmux with alacritty master does
not show any typed characters or cursor.
Since we have a proper fontconfig in place, let that be the source
of truth for the font to be used and just specify monospace as the
font to be used everywhere else.
To make sure symbols still get rendered properly, we need to install
the ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols package. Then make sure the below symlink
is present to make it work.
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-nerd-font-symbols.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-nerd-font-symbols.conf