Since we have a proper fontconfig in place, let that be the source
of truth for the font to be used and just specify monospace as the
font to be used everywhere else.
To make sure symbols still get rendered properly, we need to install
the ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols package. Then make sure the below symlink
is present to make it work.
ln -s /usr/share/fontconfig/conf.avail/10-nerd-font-symbols.conf /etc/fonts/conf.d/10-nerd-font-symbols.conf
The vanilla JetBrains Mono does not render some ligatures like =>
properly which made us use nerd-fonts package. However, the nerd-fonts
jetbrains-mono font seems to sometimes cause problems with kitty not
recognizing it by the standard name. Could be a fontconfig issue as well.
Switch to Victor Mono which also has ligature support and does not seem
to suffer from the problem above. We need the nerd-fonts version as well
due to nvim-web-devicons requiring patched fonts.
Deploying the fontconfig change seems to make the devicons in the
neovim status line render better at least size wise.