Commit graph

102 commits

Author SHA1 Message Date
Sanchayan Maity 2548f63793 nvim: plugins: Drop diffview
Something as basic as :DiffviewOpen <commit> does not work.
2021-10-20 22:11:38 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity bfb4d258b3 nvim: plugins: Switch to luasnip 2021-10-20 13:01:21 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 27dec93c97 nvim: plugins: Switch to vim-dispatch from asyncdo
It has a few more things than asyncdo and automatically handles makeprg
not that setting a custom command to handle makeprg with asyncdo was
a problem but still. Should also be useful for fugitive git push,
believe it will use dispatch when available.
2021-10-17 18:30:31 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 936e6149de nvim: plugins: Switch to Comment.nvim from commentary.vim 2021-10-17 18:30:31 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity fa81a1c107 nvim: plugins: Drop the rtp fix for friendly-snippets
See the actual fix upstream

This could be probably unrelated and just was fixed in neovim core
perhaps. Either ways we do not need to do this anymore.
2021-10-16 17:31:29 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 4c6a34d07f nvim: plugins: Switch from vim-signature to marks.nvim 2021-10-14 00:43:31 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity a83b07959d nvim: lsp: Drop lsp_signature
The signature help sometimes stays open even after moving away from
the function. Sometimes it conflicts with the auto completion pop-up
making it difficult to see one of the two windows.
2021-10-11 13:28:07 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity cf15054719 nvim: plugins: Add pretty Quickfix windows 2021-10-11 13:28:07 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity a8d0a43556 nvim: plugins: Add toggleterm
Serves as a good replacement to floaterm.
2021-10-05 15:44:29 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity c237a19e0b nvim: plugins: Drop floaterm
See the previous commit for the reason of dropping this.
2021-10-05 12:59:43 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 79e4022b0e nvim: plugins: Drop nvim-gdb
termdebug seems good enough so just drop this. Or we will use nvim-dap
if needed. However, termdebug should be enough really. We also just
found gdb-dashboard which seems great adding just the necessary UI bits.
2021-10-04 09:56:37 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity b7036e5bfe nvim: plugins: Drop vim-togglelist
Was never really needed. Can just use open and close for quickfix and
location list.
2021-10-03 13:10:43 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 2ff1ba46e1 nvim: plugins: Add TSUpdate as post install hook for treesitter 2021-10-02 17:19:34 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity ef61388c72 nvim: plugins: Drop neoformat
With LSP providing formatting have not used this in more than a year.
Just drop it. Also it is pretty stupid to look for everything global &
not use language build tool to pick the correct formatter and its
2021-10-02 17:19:34 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 331885ea25 nvim: plugins: Drop vim-better-whitespace
Using formatter already does this, so drop it.
2021-10-02 12:45:08 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 05194ded3a nvim: plugins: Load AnsiEsc plugin only on AnsiEsc command 2021-10-02 11:06:23 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 95d5a10abc nvim: plugins: Drop SyntaxAttr 2021-10-02 11:06:23 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity ae4edc5bed nvim: plugins: Drop unneeded text object plugins 2021-10-02 10:05:12 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 4b8caad3b6 nvim: plugins: Drop cscope
Now that we have migrated to clang LSP for C, the only reason for
keeping it around was using it to find files in gst-build repository
which was structured in such a way that fzf and rg could not be used.
Now that GStreamer has moved to monorepo setup, we can use fzf and
rg just like in any project. No need for cscope anymore.
2021-09-30 14:20:42 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity b6063211f7 nvim: plugins: Fix snippets not showing up in completion
For some reason without adding the snippets to the runtime path,
snippets do now show up in completion.

Found the solution here though the issue is on Ultisnips
2021-09-27 16:40:55 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity be02b5ead7 nvim: Switch to nvim-cmp
nvim-compe has been deprecated. While we tried to make it a few days
without any completion support, in javascript/typescript could not get
the default omnicompletion to work at all. It is possible that this
could be due to nvim-lsp-ts-utils/null-ls but who is gonna debug.

Also tried MUcomplete but it just would not work. There are open issues
on this. See and also

So here we are with nvim-cmp. Some observations in comparison to compe
before. Using buffer completion seems not possible as most of the times
LSP completion items then do not turn up. Do not know if this is server
specific but at least it is the case with Rust. compe seemed better
performance wise especially in tsserver and considering the buffer
problem mentioned above. Also, even with vsnip added as the completion
source can't seem to get any snippet specific completions working.

Could have ditched all completion support if I did not have to use
tsserver but need it for work currently. So we will stick to enabling
this and hopefully it improves in future.

Fuck nodejs, javascript and typescript.

For references see,
2021-09-27 16:29:18 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity c781b15582 nvim: Drop signify and switch to gitsigns
signify seems to be giving an error after somewhat long usage of
"E489: too many highlight and syntax groups".
2021-09-27 13:14:27 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 975e6a646e nvim: plugins: Switch from vim-which-key to which-key 2021-09-27 13:14:20 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 00670a867f nvim: lsp: Enable rust-tools for inlay hints 2021-09-27 12:31:27 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 71f5c334f1 nvim: plugins: Drop nvim-peekup
Does not work correctly and keeps pasting in the first window instead of
where the cursor is placed.
2021-09-21 11:02:25 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 52ff789cf3 nvim: Switch to the maintained galaxyline fork
2021-09-21 11:02:25 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity bdc14d4ebc nvim: Add lightbulb for discoverable LSP code actions 2021-07-26 18:44:41 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity a493297cae nvim: plugins: For handling files with ANSI escape sequences better 2021-07-12 12:23:52 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 119c91a6b7 nvim: plugins: Add nvim-gdb 2021-07-05 17:39:56 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity fff7723126 nvim: treesitter: Enable Haskell 2021-06-28 16:43:06 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 112239bd31 nvim: plugins: Drop indentLine
indentLine seems to have general performance issues.
2021-06-26 11:19:47 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 6406ae8a71 nvim: plugins: Drop plugins
Drop plugins we never use anymore or got around to using.
2021-06-23 12:30:11 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 44a39eee24 nvim: treesitter: Enable playground
Helps to see what treesitter queries are being made. Would be helpful in
tuning the color scheme.
2021-06-23 12:28:44 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 108630d19c nvim: Move plugin configuration files to after/plugin
Now that neovim runtime can also source lua files from traditional vim
runtime directories like after/plugin/ftplugin etc, move all plugin
configuration files to after/plugin.
2021-06-17 10:07:51 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity ca9e0d1754 nvim: after/plugin: fzf: Move fzf configuration
Do all fzf configuration in after/plugin instead of lua/modules. While at
it, add functionality to add fzf items to the quickfix list.
2021-06-16 19:11:11 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 511d5a17aa nvim: plugins: Add plenary and null-ls
nvim-lsp-ts-utils now has plenary and null-ls as a requirement.
2021-06-10 10:30:27 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 4e2abc80df nvim: after/ftplugin: gitrebase: Add vim-interactive-rebase-reverse
The plugin is a pretty small ftplugin. Just add it to our ftplugin.
This also fixes the issue where this plugin did not take affect
when using interactive rebase from within fugitive.
2021-05-29 13:39:44 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 7383245dd3 nvim: plugins/lsp: Add nvim-lsp-ts-utils 2021-05-24 17:20:23 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 66f07fba89 nvim: plugins/treesitter: Enable treesitter text objects 2021-05-22 15:30:52 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 66b022dcb0 nvim: plugins: Add various text object plugins 2021-05-21 11:16:43 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 9848348881 nvim: plugins: Drop all LISP support
Flights of fancy. Thought I will learn LISP but dynamically typed
languages are just annoying to work with.
2021-05-17 20:39:46 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 5462060452 nvim: plugins: Drop rainbow
Does not really work with treesitter.

There is nvim-ts-rainbow but it seems to have performance problems.
2021-05-17 20:38:09 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 04b2a511e1 nvim: treesitter: Add fish and nix
Drop the syntax highlighting plugins for fish and nix and switch to
treesitter. The ftdetect is taken from the respective plugins.

We might need to add the indent specific scripts for fish and nix
later since we are not enabling indent with treesitter.
2021-05-14 19:36:43 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity ed8fd2a359 nvim: plugins: Drop textobj-word-column
Does not seem to work as expected due to possible conflict with targets.
2021-05-14 17:12:58 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 7767b23f69 nvim: plugins: Drop conflict-marker
We have been mostly relying on diffconflicts plugin to resolve merge
conflicts. For complex merge conflicts, it becomes difficult to
understand which conflict hunk to pick. The syntax highlighting also
stopped taking effect due to treesitter probably. So just drop this.
Introducing a mapping to jump among conflicts would be helpful.

We let the syntax highlighting entries in our color scheme be, just
in case we decide to revisit this.
2021-05-14 13:13:43 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity e24fc200ec nvim: Add support for using snippets 2021-05-13 21:07:42 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 1c9b8aae40 nvim: plugins: Add support for Coq 2021-05-13 19:38:37 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity aa1bdca912 nvim: plugins: Drop guile support
We added this to explore guix but lost interest. Also no time. Will only
explore racket if at all.
2021-05-12 19:23:36 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 2eea1feb69 nvim: keymappings/plugins: Add support for marks and registers
We drop vim-system-copy and will explicitly use registers when required.
Add nvim-peekup to help with registers and vim-signature for marks. Some
additional helper bindings for working with marks are added as well.
2021-05-12 18:06:12 +05:30
Sanchayan Maity 91604ca16c nvim: lsp/plugins: Add support for automatically showing fn signature 2021-05-08 14:39:58 +05:30