nvim: lsp: Remove mappings which now have defaults

- crn for rename
- crr for code actions
- <C-r> <C-r> (in Visual mode) for code actions
- gr for references
- <C-S> (in Insert mode) for signature help

gq has already been mapped to formatexpr for a while now. See
:help lsp-defaults. Drop our mapping of gq and use gf mapping
for whole buffer formatting. This allows us to use gq to format
selections using text objects.
This commit is contained in:
Sanchayan Maity 2024-04-27 10:49:57 +05:30
parent dc40ccac1e
commit f14b2060d8
Signed by: sanchayanmaity
GPG key ID: 6F6A0609C12038F3

View file

@ -53,29 +53,18 @@ protocol.CompletionItemKind = {
local lsp_augroup_id = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LSP", { clear = true }) local lsp_augroup_id = vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("LSP", { clear = true })
local lsp_key_mappings = { local lsp_key_mappings = {
{ "textDocument/definition" , 'n', 'pd' , '<cmd>lua PeekDefinition()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/definition" , 'n', 'pd' , '<cmd>lua PeekDefinition()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/definition" , 'n', 'gd' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/inlayHint" , 'n', 'gi' , '<cmd>lua InlayHintToggle()<CR>' },
--{ "textDocument/declaration" , 'n', 'gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/definition" , 'n', 'gd' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.definition()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/typeDefinition" , 'n', '<C-k>' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>' }, --{ "textDocument/declaration" , 'n', 'gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.declaration()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/implementation" , 'n', 'gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/typeDefinition" , 'n', '<C-k>', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.type_definition()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/documentSymbol" , 'n', '1gd' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/implementation" , 'n', 'gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.implementation()<CR>' },
{ "workspace/symbol" , 'n', '1gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/documentSymbol" , 'n', '1gd' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.document_symbol()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/signatureHelp" , 'n', '<Leader>S', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.signature_help()<CR>' }, { "workspace/symbol" , 'n', '1gD' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.workspace_symbol()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/rename" , 'n', 'gR' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.rename()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/formatting" , 'n', 'gf' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format({async=true})<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/inlayHint" , 'n', 'gi' , '<cmd>lua InlayHintToggle()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/rangeFormatting", 'x', 'gq', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format({async=true})<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/formatting" , 'n', 'gq', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.format({async=true})<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/codeAction", 'n', 'ga' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/codeAction", 'v', 'ga' , '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/codeAction", 'n', '<Leader>r', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action{only = \'refactor\' }<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/codeAction", 'v', '<Leader>r', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.code_action{only = \'refactor\' }<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/codeLens", 'n', '<LocalLeader>l', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.codelens.run()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/codeLens", 'n', '<LocalLeader>l', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.codelens.run()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/codeLens", 'n', '<LocalLeader>L', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.codelens.clear()<CR>' }, { "textDocument/codeLens", 'n', '<LocalLeader>L', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.codelens.clear()<CR>' },
{ "textDocument/references", 'n', 'gr', '<cmd>lua vim.lsp.buf.references({ includeDeclaration = false })<CR>'},
} }
local CODE_ACTION_AVAILABLE = "CodeActionAvailable" local CODE_ACTION_AVAILABLE = "CodeActionAvailable"