From b18c8e0d9270914359e8088eb3e87c8f358fccbe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sanchayan Maity Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2022 18:16:55 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] arch-packages: Helper script & package list to help with new installation We will update the package list when required or semi periodically. Taken from --- arch-packages/ | 2 + arch-packages/ | 2 + arch-packages/pkglist.txt | 408 ++++++++++++++++++++ 3 files changed, 412 insertions(+) create mode 100755 arch-packages/ create mode 100755 arch-packages/ create mode 100644 arch-packages/pkglist.txt diff --git a/arch-packages/ b/arch-packages/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..ebfd587 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch-packages/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/sh +paru -Qqe > pkglist.txt diff --git a/arch-packages/ b/arch-packages/ new file mode 100755 index 0000000..7e184c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch-packages/ @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +#!/bin/sh +paru -S --needed - < pkglist.txt diff --git a/arch-packages/pkglist.txt b/arch-packages/pkglist.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..19ab8e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/arch-packages/pkglist.txt @@ -0,0 +1,408 @@ +accountsservice +adwaita-icon-theme +alsa-firmware +alsa-plugins +alsa-utils +amd-ucode +android-tools +arc-gtk-theme +arc-x-icons-theme +autoconf +autocutsel +automake +aws-cli +aws-sdk-cpp +aws-session-manager-plugin +b43-fwcutter +babeltrace +base +bash-completion +bat +bear +bind +binutils +bison +blueman +bluez-utils +boost +brother-dcp-l2540dw-cups-bin +brother-dcp-l2540dw-lpr-bin +btrfs-progs +cantarell-fonts +capitaine-cursors +cargo-cache +check +chromium +cmake +crda +cryptsetup +cscope +csound +ctags +cups +cups-pdf +d-feet +dconf-editor +devhelp +device-mapper +dhclient +dialog +diffutils +dmidecode +dmraid +dnsmasq +docker +dosfstools +downgrade +doxygen +e2fsprogs +edk2-shell +efibootmgr +efitools +endeavouros-keyring +endeavouros-mirrorlist +endeavouros-theming +eos-hooks +eos-log-tool +eos-update-notifier +epdfview +epstool +eslint +ethtool +evtest +exa +exfat-utils +expac +expect +f2fs-tools +fakeroot +fd +ffmpegthumbnailer +file +file-roller +findutils +firefox +fish +flex +fnm-bin +foot +foot-terminfo +freetype2 +fsarchiver +fuzzel +fzf +galculator +gawk +gcc +gdb +gdb-dashboard +geckodriver +gettext +git +glances +gnome-themes-extra +gnu-netcat +gnuplot +gpart +gparted +gpm +gptfdisk +graphviz +grep +grim +groff +grub +grub-tools +grub2-theme-endeavouros +gspell +gst-editing-services +gst-libav +gst-plugin-gtk +gst-plugin-pipewire +gst-plugins-bad +gst-plugins-openh264 +gst-plugins-ugly +gst-python +gst-rtsp-server +gstreamer-docs +gtest +gtk-doc +gtk-engine-murrine +gtk4 +gtypist +gvfs +gvfs-afc +gvfs-gphoto2 +gvfs-mtp +gvfs-nfs +gvfs-smb +gzip +hadolint-bin +hardinfo +haveged +hdparm +htop +hwdetect +hwinfo +i3-wm +i3status +i3status-rust +imapfilter +indent +inetutils +ipw2100-fw +ipw2200-fw +iwd +jdk-openjdk +jdk11-openjdk +jedi-language-server +jfsutils +jq +kanshi +keyserver-rank +kitty +languagetool +less +libdvdcss +libglvnd +libgsf +libopenraw +libpwquality +libreoffice-still +libtermkey +libtool +libva-mesa-driver +libva-utils +libvterm +libwnck3 +linux +linux-atm +linux-firmware +linux-headers +lldb +logiops +logrotate +lsb-release +lsof +lsscsi +luacheck +luajit +lvm2 +lynx +m4 +make +mako +man-db +man-pages +mbsync-git +mdadm +mesa +mesa-demos +meson +mkinitcpio +mkinitcpio-busybox +mkinitcpio-nfs-utils +mkinitcpio-openswap +mlocate +modemmanager +mpc +mpd +mpdas +mpdris2 +msmtp +mtools +mutt +mypy +nbd +ncdu +ndisc6 +nemo +neofetch +net-tools +netctl +network-manager-applet +networkmanager +networkmanager-openvpn +nfs-utils +nilfs-utils +nmap +notmuch +noto-fonts +noto-fonts-cjk +noto-fonts-emoji +npm +nsjail +nss-mdns +ntfs-3g +ntp +nvme-cli +obs-studio +octave +openconnect +opendesktop-fonts +openh264 +openssh +openvpn +os-prober +pacman +pacman-contrib +pandoc-bin +parted +paru-bin +patch +pavucontrol +pcurses +perf +perl +pipewire-alsa +pipewire-docs +pipewire-jack +pipewire-pulse +pkgconf +pkgfile +pkgstats +poppler-glib +postgresql-libs +powerline-fonts +ppp +pptpclient +ps_mem +python +python-flake8-black +python-flit +python-flit-core +python-gitlab +python-lxml +python-matplotlib +python-pycodestyle +python-pydocstyle +python-pygments +python-pylint +python-pytest-black +python-rope +qbittorrent +qpdf +qt5-wayland +qt5ct +r8168 +radeontop +ranger +refind +reflector +reflector-simple +reiserfsprogs +repo +ripgrep +rlwrap +rofi +rp-pppoe +rsync +rust-bindgen +rustup +rxvt-unicode-terminfo +s-nail +sdparm +sed +sg3_utils +shellcheck-bin +slurp +smartmontools +soulseekqt +sox +stack-static +stow +strace +sudo +sway +swaylock +sysfsutils +systemd-resolvconf +systemd-sysvcompat +tcpdump +tealdeer +terminus-font +texinfo +texlive-bibtexextra +texlive-core +texlive-fontsextra +texlive-formatsextra +texlive-games +texlive-humanities +texlive-latexextra +texlive-music +texlive-pictures +texlive-pstricks +texlive-publishers +texlive-science +tigervnc +tiny-irc-client +tlp +tmux +tokei +tree +ts-node +ttf-bitstream-vera +ttf-caladea +ttf-carlito +ttf-croscore +ttf-dejavu +ttf-font-awesome +ttf-hack +ttf-jetbrains-mono +ttf-liberation +ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols +ttf-opensans +ttf-ubuntu-font-family +typescript +typescript-language-server-bin +unrar +unzip +upower +usb_modeswitch +usbutils +vale-bin +vi +vimpc-git +vlc +vpnc +vscode-langservers-extracted +wdisplays +wget +which +whois +wireguard-tools +wireless-regdb +wireless_tools +wireplumber +wireshark-qt +wl-clipboard +wlroots +wpa_supplicant +wvdial +xdg-desktop-portal +xdg-desktop-portal-wlr +xdg-user-dirs-gtk +xed +xf86-input-libinput +xf86-video-amdgpu +xf86-video-ati +xf86-video-fbdev +xf86-video-vesa +xfsprogs +xl2tpd +xorg-server +xorg-xeyes +xorg-xinit +xorg-xinput +xorg-xkill +xorg-xrandr +xorg-xwayland +xplr +xz +yarn +yay +zathura +zathura-djvu +zathura-pdf-mupdf +zathura-ps +zsa-wally-bin