From 7a8704563b2e362cbe041a9785a5d5fbfe31d669 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Sanchayan Maity Date: Thu, 21 Feb 2019 19:45:37 +0530 Subject: [PATCH] init.el: Add support for common lisp Since the common lisp bindings were conflicting with rust cargo bindings refactor the key bindings by using major mode keymap feature of general. Signed-off-by: Sanchayan Maity --- init.el | 445 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------- 1 file changed, 286 insertions(+), 159 deletions(-) diff --git a/init.el b/init.el index b0ac043..95b1715 100644 --- a/init.el +++ b/init.el @@ -221,165 +221,255 @@ motion operator replace)) - :config (general-define-key - :states '(normal visual insert emacs) - :prefix "SPC" - :non-normal-prefix "M-SPC" - "/" '(helm-projectile-rg - :which-key "ripgrep") - "TAB" '(switch-to-prev-buffer - :which-key "previous buffer") - "SPC" '(helm-M-x :which-key "M-x") - "ff" '(fzf :which-key "fuzzy file search") - "pf" '(helm-projectile-find-file - :which-key "find files") - "pp" '(helm-projectile-switch-project - :which-key "switch project") - "pb" '(helm-projectile-switch-to-buffer - :which-key "switch buffer") - "pr" '(helm-show-kill-ring - :which-key "show kill ring") - ;; Buffers - "bb" '(helm-mini :which-key "buffers list") - ;; Window - "wl" '(windmove-right :which-key "move right") - "wh" '(windmove-left :which-key "move left") - "wk" '(windmove-up :which-key "move up") - "wj" '(windmove-down :which-key "move bottom") - "w/" '(split-window-right :which-key "split right") - "w-" '(split-window-below :which-key "split bottom") - "wx" '(delete-window :which-key "delete window") - "qz" '(delete-frame :which-key "delete frame") - "qq" '(kill-emacs :which-key "quit") - "qr" '(restart-emacs :which-key "restart emacs") - ;; Others - "at" '(ansi-term :which-key "open terminal") - ;; Gtags - "mgc" '(helm-gtags-create-tags - :which-key "create tag db") - "mgd" '(helm-gtags-find-tag - :which-key "find definitions") - "mgf" '(helm-gtags-select-path - :which-key "jump to a file in tag db") - "mgG" '(helm-gtags-dwim-other-window - :which-key "jump to location based on context") - "mgi" '(helm-gtags-tags-in-this-function - :which-key "present tags in current function") - "mgl" '(helm-gtags-parse-file - :which-key "jump to definitions in file") - "mgn" '(helm-gtags-next-history - :which-key "jump to next location in context stack") - "mgp" '(helm-gtags-previous-history - :which-key "jump to previous location in context stack") - "mgr" '(helm-gtags-find-rtag - :which-key "find references") - "mgR" '(helm-gtags-resume - :which-key "resume previous helm-gtags session") - "mgs" '(helm-gtags-select - :which-key "select any tag in project retrieved by gtags") - "mgS" '(helm-gtags-show-stack - :which-key "show stack of visited locations") - "mgu" '(helm-gtags-update-tags - :which-key "create tag db") - ;; Magit key bindings - "gc" '(magit-clone - :which-key "magit clone") - "gff" '(magit-find-file - :which-key "magit find file") - "gfl" '(magit-log-buffer-file - :which-key "magit log buffer file") - "gfd" '(magit-diff-buffer-file-popup - :which-key "magit diff buffer file popup") - "gi" '(magit-init - :which-key "magit initialize") - "gL" '(magit-list-repositories - :which-key "magit list repositories") - "gm" '(magit-dispatch-popup - :which-key "magit dispatch popup") - "gs" '(magit-status - :which-key "open Magit status buffer") - "gS" '(magit-stage-file - :which-key "magit stage file") - "gU" '(magit-unstage-file - :which-key "magit unstage file") - "g/" '(helm-git-grep - :which-key "open helm git grep") - "g*" '(helm-git-grep-at-point - :which-key "open helm git grep at point") - ;; Haskell bindings - "mf" '(hindent-reformat-decl - :which-key "format declaration using hindent") - "mF" '(haskell-mode-stylish-buffer - :which-key "format buffer using haskell stylish") - "mgg" '(intero-goto-definition - :which-key "goto definition or tag") - "mhi" '(intero-info - :which-key "get info for identifier under cursor") - "mht" '(intero-type-at - :which-key "get type of identifier under cursor") - "mrs" '(intero-apply-suggestions) - "msb" '(intero-repl-load - :which-key "load/reload current buffer in repl") - "mic" '(intero-cd - :which-key "change directory in backend process") - "mid" '(intero-devel-reload - :which-key "reload module DevelMain") - "mik" '(intero-destroy - :which-key "stop current process & kill its associated") - "mil" '(intero-list-buffers - :which-key "list hidden process buffers created") - "mir" '(intero-restart - :which-key "restart process with same config") - "mit" '(intero-targets - :which-key "set targets to use for stack ghci") - "msc" nil - "mhT" '(haskell-intero/insert-type) - "mss" '(haskell-intero/display-repl - :which-key "show repl without switching") - "msS" '(haskell-intero/pop-to-repl - :which-key "show and switch to repl") - "mrb" '(hlint-refactor-refactor-buffer - :which-key "apply all hlint suggestions") - "mrr" '(hlint-refactor-refactor-at-point - :which-key "apply hlint suggestion under cursor") - "mc." '(cargo-process-repeat - :which-key "repeat the last cargo command") - "mcC" '(cargo-process-clean - :which-key "remove build artifacts with cargo") - "mcX" '(cargo-process-run-example - :which-key "execute project example with cargo") - "mcc" '(cargo-process-build - :which-key "compile project with cargo") - "mcd" '(cargo-process-doc - :which-key "generate documentation with cargo") - "mcD" '(cargo-process-doc-open - :which-key "open cargo docs") - "mce" '(cargo-process-bench - :which-key "run benchmarks with cargo") - "mcf" '(cargo-process-fmt - :which-key "format all project files with rustfmt") - "mci" '(cargo-process-init - :which-key "create a new project with cargo") - "mcl" '(cargo-process-clippy - :which-key "run linter with cargo") - "mcn" '(cargo-process-new - :which-key "create new project with cargo") - "mco" '(cargo-process-current-file-tests - :which-key "run all tests in current file with cargo") - "mcs" '(cargo-process-search - :which-key "search for packages on") - "mct" '(cargo-process-current-test - :which-key "run the current test with cargo") - "mcu" '(cargo-process-update - :which-key "update dependencies with cargo") - "mcx" '(cargo-process-run - :which-key "execute a process with cargo") - "mcv" '(cargo-process-check - :which-key "verify a project with cargo") - "mt" '(cargo-process-test - :which-key "run test with cargo") - "m==" '(rust-format-buffer - :which-key "rust reformat the buffer"))) + :config + (general-define-key + :states '(normal visual insert emacs) + :prefix "SPC" + :non-normal-prefix "M-SPC" + "/" '(helm-projectile-rg + :which-key "ripgrep") + "TAB" '(switch-to-prev-buffer + :which-key "previous buffer") + "SPC" '(helm-M-x :which-key "M-x") + "ff" '(fzf :which-key "fuzzy file search") + "pf" '(helm-projectile-find-file + :which-key "find files") + "pp" '(helm-projectile-switch-project + :which-key "switch project") + "pb" '(helm-projectile-switch-to-buffer + :which-key "switch buffer") + "pr" '(helm-show-kill-ring + :which-key "show kill ring") + ;; Buffers + "bb" '(helm-mini :which-key "buffers list") + ;; Window + "wl" '(windmove-right :which-key "move right") + "wh" '(windmove-left :which-key "move left") + "wk" '(windmove-up :which-key "move up") + "wj" '(windmove-down :which-key "move bottom") + "w/" '(split-window-right :which-key "split right") + "w-" '(split-window-below :which-key "split bottom") + "wx" '(delete-window :which-key "delete window") + "qz" '(delete-frame :which-key "delete frame") + "qq" '(kill-emacs :which-key "quit") + "qr" '(restart-emacs :which-key "restart emacs") + ;; Others + "at" '(ansi-term :which-key "open terminal") + ;; Gtags + "mgc" '(helm-gtags-create-tags + :which-key "create tag db") + "mgd" '(helm-gtags-find-tag + :which-key "find definitions") + "mgf" '(helm-gtags-select-path + :which-key "jump to a file in tag db") + "mgG" '(helm-gtags-dwim-other-window + :which-key "jump to location based on context") + "mgi" '(helm-gtags-tags-in-this-function + :which-key "present tags in current function") + "mgl" '(helm-gtags-parse-file + :which-key "jump to definitions in file") + "mgn" '(helm-gtags-next-history + :which-key "jump to next location in context stack") + "mgp" '(helm-gtags-previous-history + :which-key "jump to previous location in context stack") + "mgr" '(helm-gtags-find-rtag + :which-key "find references") + "mgR" '(helm-gtags-resume + :which-key "resume previous helm-gtags session") + "mgs" '(helm-gtags-select + :which-key "select any tag in project retrieved by gtags") + "mgS" '(helm-gtags-show-stack + :which-key "show stack of visited locations") + "mgu" '(helm-gtags-update-tags + :which-key "create tag db") + ;; Magit key bindings + "gc" '(magit-clone + :which-key "magit clone") + "gff" '(magit-find-file + :which-key "magit find file") + "gfl" '(magit-log-buffer-file + :which-key "magit log buffer file") + "gfd" '(magit-diff-buffer-file-popup + :which-key "magit diff buffer file popup") + "gi" '(magit-init + :which-key "magit initialize") + "gL" '(magit-list-repositories + :which-key "magit list repositories") + "gm" '(magit-dispatch-popup + :which-key "magit dispatch popup") + "gs" '(magit-status + :which-key "open Magit status buffer") + "gS" '(magit-stage-file + :which-key "magit stage file") + "gU" '(magit-unstage-file + :which-key "magit unstage file") + "g/" '(helm-git-grep + :which-key "open helm git grep") + "g*" '(helm-git-grep-at-point + :which-key "open helm git grep at point"))) + +(general-define-key + :states '(normal visual emacs) + :prefix "SPC m" + :keymaps 'haskell-mode-map + ;; Haskell bindings + "f" '(hindent-reformat-decl + :which-key "format declaration using hindent") + "F" '(haskell-mode-stylish-buffer + :which-key "format buffer using haskell stylish") + "gg" '(intero-goto-definition + :which-key "goto definition or tag") + "hi" '(intero-info + :which-key "get info for identifier under cursor") + "ht" '(intero-type-at + :which-key "get type of identifier under cursor") + "rs" '(intero-apply-suggestions) + "sb" '(intero-repl-load + :which-key "load/reload current buffer in repl") + "ic" '(intero-cd + :which-key "change directory in backend process") + "id" '(intero-devel-reload + :which-key "reload module DevelMain") + "ik" '(intero-destroy + :which-key "stop current process & kill its associated") + "il" '(intero-list-buffers + :which-key "list hidden process buffers created") + "ir" '(intero-restart + :which-key "restart process with same config") + "it" '(intero-targets + :which-key "set targets to use for stack ghci") + "sc" nil + "hT" '(haskell-intero/insert-type) + "ss" '(haskell-intero/display-repl + :which-key "show repl without switching") + "sS" '(haskell-intero/pop-to-repl + :which-key "show and switch to repl") + "rb" '(hlint-refactor-refactor-buffer + :which-key "apply all hlint suggestions") + "rr" '(hlint-refactor-refactor-at-point + :which-key "apply hlint suggestion under cursor")) + +(general-define-key + :states '(normal visual emacs) + :prefix "SPC m" + :keymaps 'rust-mode-map + "c." '(cargo-process-repeat + :which-key "repeat the last cargo command") + "cC" '(cargo-process-clean + :which-key "remove build artifacts with cargo") + "cX" '(cargo-process-run-example + :which-key "execute project example with cargo") + "cc" '(cargo-process-build + :which-key "compile project with cargo") + "cd" '(cargo-process-doc + :which-key "generate documentation with cargo") + "cD" '(cargo-process-doc-open + :which-key "open cargo docs") + "ce" '(cargo-process-bench + :which-key "run benchmarks with cargo") + "cf" '(cargo-process-fmt + :which-key "format all project files with rustfmt") + "ci" '(cargo-process-init + :which-key "create a new project with cargo") + "cl" '(cargo-process-clippy + :which-key "run linter with cargo") + "cn" '(cargo-process-new + :which-key "create new project with cargo") + "co" '(cargo-process-current-file-tests + :which-key "run all tests in current file with cargo") + "cs" '(cargo-process-search + :which-key "search for packages on") + "ct" '(cargo-process-current-test + :which-key "run the current test with cargo") + "cu" '(cargo-process-update + :which-key "update dependencies with cargo") + "cx" '(cargo-process-run + :which-key "execute a process with cargo") + "cv" '(cargo-process-check + :which-key "verify a project with cargo") + "t" '(cargo-process-test + :which-key "run test with cargo") + "==" '(rust-format-buffer + :which-key "rust reformat the buffer")) + +(general-define-key + :states '(normal visual emacs) + :prefix "SPC m" + :keymaps 'lisp-mode-map + "cc" '(slime-compile-file + :which-key "compile file") + "cC" '(slime-compile-and-load-file + :which-key "compile file and load") + "cl" '(slime-load-file + :which-key "load file") + "cf" '(slime-compile-defun + :which-key "compile function") + "cr" '(slime-compile-region + :which-key "compile region") + "cn" '(slime-remove-notes + :which-key "remove compilation notes") + + "eb" '(slime-eval-buffer + :which-key "evaluate buffer") + "ef" '(slime-eval-defun + :which-key "evaluate top level sexpr") + "eF" '(slime-undefine-function + :which-key "undefine the fn at point") + "ee" '(slime-eval-last-expression + :which-key "evaluate last sexpr") + "er" '(slime-eval-region + :which-key "evaluate region") + + "gb" '(slime-pop-find-definition-stack + :which-key "go back") + "gn" '(slime-next-note + :which-key "next note") + "gN" '(slime-previous-note + :which-key "previous note") + + "ha" '(slime-apropos + :which-key "SLIME appropos") + "hA" '(slime-apropos-all + :which-key "SLIME appropos all") + "hd" '(slime-disassemble-symbol + :which-key "disassemble symbol at point") + "hh" '(slime-describe-symbol + :which-key "describe symbol at point") + "hH" '(slime-hyperspec-lookup + :which-key "hyperspec lookup symbol at point") + "hi" '(slime-inspect-definition + :which-key "inspect defintion") + "hp" '(slime-apropos-package + :which-key "browse appropos results for package's exported symbols") + "ht" '(slime-toggle-trace-definition + :which-key "toggle tracing of function at point") + "hT" '(slime-untrace-all + :which-key "untrace all functions") + "h<" '(slime-who-calls + :which-key "show all known callers") + "h>" '(slime-calls-who + :which-key "show all known callees") + + "hr" '(slime-who-references + :which-key "show references to global variable") + "hm" '(slime-who-macroexpands + :which-key "show all usages of a macro") + "hs" '(slime-who-specializes + :which-key "show all methods specialized on a class") + + "ma" '(slime-macroexpand-all + :which-key "macroexpand the expr at point completely") + "mo" '(slime-macroexpand-1 + :which-key "macroexpand the expr at point once") + + "se" '(slime-eval-last-expression-in-repl + :which-key "evaluate last sexpr in repl") + "si" '(slime + :which-key "start an inferior process") + "sq" '(slime-quit-lisp + :which-key "quit") + + "tf" '(slime-toggle-fancy-trace)) ;; custom functions (defun haskell-intero/insert-type () @@ -522,4 +612,41 @@ (use-package cargo :defer t) +(use-package evil-cleverparens + :ensure t) + +(use-package parinfer + :ensure t + :init + (progn + (setq parinfer-extensions '(defaults + pretty-parens + evil + paredit + smart-tab + smart-yank))) + :hook + ((emacs-lisp-mode . parinfer-mode) + (common-lisp-mode . parinfer-mode) + (lisp-mode . parinfer-mode))) + +(use-package slime + :commands slime-mode + :init + (progn + (setq slime-contribs '(slime-asdf + slime-fancy + slime-indentation + slime-sbcl-exts + slime-scratch) + inferior-lisp-program "sbcl") + (setq slime-complete-symbol*-fancy t) + (setq slime-complete-symbol-function 'slime-fuzzy-complete-symbol) + (defun slime/disable-smartparens () + (smartparens-strict-mode -1) + (turn-off-smartparens-mode)) + (add-hook 'slime-repl-mode-hook #'slime/disable-smartparens)) + :config + (slime-setup)) + ;;; init.el ends