nvim: Drop our yolokai theme and use default
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 0 additions and 856 deletions
@ -1,697 +0,0 @@
lua << EOF
vim.g.colors_name = 'yolokai'
local white = { '#E6E6E6', 252, 'white' }
local white2 = { '#FFFFFF', 250, 'white2' }
local black = { '#000000', 234, 'black' }
local lightblack = { '#181818', 235, 'lightblack' }
local lightblack2 = { '#383A3E', 236, 'lightblack2' }
local lightblack3 = { '#3F4145', 237, 'lightblack3' }
local darkblack = { '#211F1C', 233, 'darkblack' }
local grey = { '#8F908A', 243, 'grey' }
local lightgrey = { '#575b61', 237, 'lightgrey' }
local darkgrey = { '#64645E', 239, 'darkgrey' }
local warmgrey = { '#A6A185', 59, 'warmgrey' }
local pink = { '#F92772', 197, 'pink' }
local green = { '#3ECF5B', 148, 'green' }
local darkgreen = { '#17E640', 83, 'darkgreen' }
local aqua = { '#0BA6DA', 81, 'aqua' }
local yellow = { '#CFCF17', 186, 'yellow' }
local orange = { '#FD9720', 208, 'orange' }
local purple = { '#AE81FF', 141, 'purple' }
local red = { '#CF1745', 196, 'red' }
local purered = { '#FF0000', 52, 'purered' }
local darkred = { '#FF1A53', 52, 'darkred' }
-- This is the only highlight that must be defined separately.
local highlight_group_normal = {bg=black, fg=white}
-- This is where the rest of your highlights should go.
local highlight_groups = {
--[[ 4.1. Text Analysis ]]
EndOfBuffer = 'NonText' ,
Whitespace = 'NonText' ,
Comment = { fg=white2 , style='italic' },
NonText = { fg=lightgrey },
--[[ 4.1.1. Literals]]
Constant = { fg=purple },
String = { fg=yellow },
Character = { fg=yellow },
Number = { fg=purple },
Boolean = { fg=purple },
Float = 'Number' ,
--[[ 4.1.2. Identifiers]]
Identifier = { fg=green },
Function = { fg=darkgreen },
--[[ 4.1.3. Syntax]]
Repeat = 'Keyword',
Noise = 'Delimiter',
Statement = { fg=pink },
Conditional = { fg=pink, style='italic' },
Label = { fg=pink, style='italic' },
Operator = { fg=pink },
Keyword = { fg=pink, style='bold' },
Exception = { fg=red, style='bold' },
--[[ 4.1.4. Metatextual Information]]
PreProc = { fg=green },
Include = { fg=pink, style='nocombine' },
Define = { fg=pink, style='nocombine' },
Macro = { fg=orange, style={'bold', 'nocombine' }},
PreCondit = { fg=green, style='nocombine' },
--[[ 4.1.5. Semantics]]
Type = { fg=aqua },
StorageClass = { fg=aqua, style='bold' },
Structure = { fg=aqua, style='bold' },
Typedef = { fg=aqua, style='italic' },
--[[ 4.1.6. Edge Cases]]
SpecialChar = 'Character' ,
SpecialKey = 'Character' ,
Tag = 'Underlined',
Special = { fg=purple },
Delimiter = { fg=red },
-- SpecialComment affects Haskell Language Extension
SpecialComment = { fg=orange , style={'bold', 'nocombine'}},
Debug = 'WarningMsg',
--[[ 4.1.7. Help Syntax]]
Ignore = { fg=gray },
Error = { bg=black , fg=red },
Underlined = { fg=green , style='underline' },
Todo = { fg=orange, style={'bold', 'underline' }},
Hint = { bg=black , fg=white, style='bold' },
Info = { bg=orange, fg=black, style='bold' },
Warning = { bg=pink , fg=black, style='bold' },
--[[ 4.2... Editor UI ]]
--[[ 4.2.1. Status Line]]
StatusLine = { bg=black, fg=warmgrey },
StatusLineNC = { bg=black, fg=darkgrey },
StatusLineTerm = 'StatusLine' ,
StatusLineTermNC = 'StatusLineNC',
--[[ 4.2.2. Separators]]
WinSeparator= { bg=darkblack, fg=darkgrey },
TabLine = { bg=darkblack, fg=white },
TabLineFill = { fg=white },
TabLineSel = { bg=darkgrey, fg=white, style='inverse' },
Title = { style='bold' },
--[[ 4.2.3. Conditional Line Highlighting]]
debugBreakpoint = 'ErrorMsg' ,
debugPC = 'ColorColumn',
CursorLine = { bg=lightblack2 },
CursorLineNr = { bg=lightblack, fg=orange },
LineNr = { bg=black, fg=grey },
QuickFixLine = { bg=darkgrey },
Visual = { style='inverse' },
VisualNOS = { bg=darkgrey },
--[[ 4.2.4. Popup Menu]]
Pmenu = { bg=black, fg=aqua },
PmenuSbar = { bg=black },
PmenuSel = { bg=warmgrey, fg=white, style='bold' },
PmenuThumb = { bg=grey, fg=lightblack },
WildMenu = {},
--[[ 4.2.5. Folds]]
FoldColumn = { bg=darkblack, style='bold' },
Folded = { bg=darkblack, fg=warmgrey, style='italic' },
--[[ 4.2.6. Diffs]]
DiffAdd = { bg=black, fg=darkgreen },
DiffChange = { bg=black, fg=yellow },
DiffDelete = { bg=black, fg=red },
DiffText = { bg=black },
--[[ 4.2.7. Searching]]
IncSearch = { style='inverse' },
Search = { bg=yellow,fg=black, style={'underline', color=white }},
CurSearch = { bg=pink, fg=black, style={'underline', color=white }},
MatchParen = { fg=orange, style={'bold', 'underline' }},
--[[ 4.2.8. Spelling]]
SpellBad = { style={'undercurl', color=red }},
SpellCap = { style={'undercurl', color=purple }},
SpellLocal = { style={'undercurl', color=pink }},
SpellRare = { style={'undercurl', color=aqua }},
--[[ 4.2.9. Conditional Column Highlighting]]
ColorColumn = { bg=lightblack },
SignColumn = { bg=black },
--[[ 4.2.10. Messages]]
ErrorMsg = { bg=black, fg=red },
HintMsg = { bg=black, fg=purple, style='bold' },
InfoMsg = { bg=black, fg=orange, style='bold' },
ModeMsg = { bg=black, fg=yellow },
WarningMsg = { bg=black, fg=pink, style='bold' },
Question = { bg=black, fg=yellow, style='underline' },
--[[ 4.2.11. Diagnostics ]]
DiagnosticError = 'ErrorMsg' ,
DiagnosticWarn = 'WarningMsg',
DiagnosticInfo = 'InfoMsg' ,
DiagnosticHint = 'HintMsg' ,
DiagnosticFloatingError = 'ErrorMsg' ,
DiagnosticFloatingWarn = 'WarningMsg',
DiagnosticFloatingInfo = 'InfoMsg' ,
DiagnosticFloatingHint = 'HintMsg' ,
DiagnosticSignError = 'ErrorMsg' ,
DiagnosticSignWarn = 'WarningMsg',
DiagnosticSignInfo = 'InfoMsg' ,
DiagnosticSignHint = 'HintMsg' ,
DiagnosticUnderlineError = {style={'undercurl', color=red }},
DiagnosticUnderlineWarn = {style={'undercurl', color=pink }},
DiagnosticUnderlineInfo = {style={'undercurl', color=orange }},
DiagnosticUnderlineHint = {style={'undercurl', color=purple }},
DiagnosticVirtualTextError = 'ErrorMsg' ,
DiagnosticVirtualTextWarn = 'WarningMsg',
DiagnosticVirtualTextInfo = 'InfoMsg' ,
DiagnosticVirtualTextHint = 'HintMsg' ,
--[[ 4.2.12. Cursor ]]
CursorIM = 'Cursor',
Cursor = { bg=white, fg=black, style='inverse' },
CursorColumn = { bg=lightblack2 },
--[[ 4.2.13. Misc ]]
Terminal = 'Normal',
Directory = { fg=aqua, style='bold' },
NormalFloat = { bg=black, fg=white },
--[[ 4.2.14. LSP Highlight ]]
LspReferenceText = 'InfoMsg',
LspReferenceRead = 'InfoMsg',
LspReferenceWrite = 'InfoMsg',
LspInlayHint = 'NonText',
--[[ 4.2.15. LSP (for Semantic Token highlighting) ]]
['@lsp.type.boolean'] = '@boolean' ,
['@lsp.type.character'] = '@character' ,
['@lsp.type.class'] = '@type' ,
['@lsp.mod.constant'] = '@constant' ,
['@lsp.type.decorator'] = '@function' ,
['@lsp.type.enum'] = '@type' ,
['@lsp.type.enumMember'] = '@constant' ,
['@lsp.type.float'] = '@float' ,
['@lsp.type.function'] = '@function' ,
['@lsp.type.interface'] = '@type' ,
['@lsp.type.macro'] = '@macro' ,
['@lsp.type.method'] = '@method' ,
['@lsp.type.namespace'] = '@namespace' ,
['@lsp.type.number'] = '@number' ,
['@lsp.type.operator'] = '@operator' ,
['@lsp.type.parameter'] = '@parameter' ,
['@lsp.type.property'] = '@property' ,
['@lsp.mod.readonly'] = '@lsp.mod.constant',
['@lsp.type.string'] = '@string' ,
['@lsp.type.struct'] = '@structure' ,
['@lsp.type.type'] = '@type' ,
['@lsp.type.variable'] = '@variable' ,
['@lsp.typemod.type.readonly'] = '@lsp.type.type' ,
--[[ 4.3. Programming Languages
Everything in this section is OPTIONAL. Feel free to remove everything
here if you don't want to define it, or add more if there's something
--[[ 4.3.1. C ]]
cConstant = 'Constant',
cCustomClass = 'Type' ,
--[[ 4.3.2. C++ ]]
cppSTLexception = 'Exception',
cppSTLnamespace = 'String' ,
--[[ 4.3.3 C# ]]
csBraces = 'Delimiter',
csClass = 'Structure',
csClassType = 'Type',
csContextualStatement = 'Conditional',
csEndColon = 'Delimiter',
csGeneric = 'Typedef',
csInterpolation = 'Include',
csInterpolationDelimiter = 'SpecialChar',
csLogicSymbols = 'Operator',
csModifier = 'Keyword',
csNew = 'Operator',
csNewType = 'Type',
csParens = 'Delimiter',
csPreCondit = 'PreProc',
csQuote = 'Delimiter',
csRepeat = 'Repeat',
csStorage = 'StorageClass',
csUnspecifiedStatement = 'Statement',
csXmlTag = 'Define',
csXmlTagName = 'Define',
razorCode = 'PreProc',
razorcsLHSMemberAccessOperator = 'Noise',
razorcsRHSMemberAccessOperator = 'razorcsLHSMemberAccessOperator',
razorcsStringDelimiter = 'razorhtmlValueDelimiter',
razorcsTypeNullable = 'Special',
razorcsUnaryOperatorKeyword = 'Operator',
razorDelimiter = 'Delimiter',
razorEventAttribute = 'PreCondit',
razorFor = 'razorIf',
razorhtmlAttribute = 'htmlArg',
razorhtmlAttributeOperator = 'Operator',
razorhtmlTag = 'htmlTag',
razorhtmlValueDelimiter = 'Delimiter',
razorIf = 'PreCondit',
razorImplicitExpression = 'PreProc',
razorLine = 'Constant',
razorUsing = 'Include',
--[[ 4.3.4. CSS ]]
cssAtRule = 'PreCondit',
cssAttr = 'Keyword',
cssAttrComma = 'Noise',
cssAttrRegion = 'Keyword',
cssBraces = 'Delimiter',
cssClassName = 'Identifier',
cssClassNameDot = 'Noise',
cssFlexibleBoxAttr = 'cssAttr',
cssFunctionComma = 'Noise',
cssImportant = 'Exception',
cssNoise = 'Noise',
cssProp = 'Label',
cssPseudoClass = 'Special',
cssPseudoClassId = 'cssSelectorOp',
cssSelectorOp = 'Operator',
cssTagName = 'Structure',
cssUnitDecorators = 'Type',
scssAmpersand = 'Special',
scssAttribute = 'Noise',
scssBoolean = 'Boolean',
scssDefault = 'Keyword',
scssElse = 'scssIf',
scssMixinName = function(self)
local super = self.cssClassName
return {bg = super.bg, fg=super.fg, style='italic'}
scssIf = 'PreCondit',
scssInclude = 'Include',
scssSelectorChar = 'Delimiter',
scssDefinition = 'PreProc',
scssSelectorName = 'Identifier',
scssVariable = 'Define',
scssVariableAssignment = 'Operator',
--[[ 4.3.5. Dart ]]
dartLibrary = 'Statement',
--[[ 4.3.6. dot ]]
dotKeyChar = 'Character',
dotType = 'Type' ,
--[[ 4.3.7. Go ]]
goBlock = 'Delimiter' ,
goBoolean = 'Boolean' ,
goBuiltins = 'Operator' ,
goField = 'Identifier',
goFloat = 'Float' ,
goFormatSpecifier = 'Character' ,
goFunction = 'Function' ,
goFunctionCall = 'goFunction',
goFunctionReturn = {},
goMethodCall = 'goFunctionCall',
goParamType = 'goReceiverType',
goPointerOperator = 'SpecialChar' ,
goPredefinedIdentifiers = 'Constant' ,
goReceiver = 'goBlock' ,
goReceiverType = 'goTypeName' ,
goSimpleParams = 'goBlock' ,
goType = 'Type' ,
goTypeConstructor = 'goFunction' ,
goTypeName = 'Type' ,
goVarAssign = 'Identifier' ,
goVarDefs = 'goVarAssign' ,
--[[ 4.3.8. HTML ]]
htmlArg = 'Label',
htmlBold = { fg=lightgrey, style='bold' },
htmlTitle = 'htmlBold',
htmlEndTag = 'htmlTag',
htmlH1 = 'markdownH1',
htmlH2 = 'markdownH2',
htmlH3 = 'markdownH3',
htmlH4 = 'markdownH4',
htmlH5 = 'markdownH5',
htmlH6 = 'markdownH6',
htmlItalic = { style='italic' },
htmlSpecialTagName = 'Keyword',
htmlTag = 'Special',
htmlTagN = 'Typedef',
htmlTagName = 'Type',
--[[ 4.3.9. Java ]]
javaClassDecl = 'Structure',
--[[ 4.3.10. JavaScript ]]
jsFuncBlock = 'Function' ,
jsObjectKey = 'Type' ,
jsReturn = 'Keyword' ,
jsVariableDef = 'Identifier',
--[[ 4.3.11. JSON ]]
jsonBraces = 'Structure',
jsonKeywordMatch = 'Delimiter',
jsonNull = 'Constant' ,
jsonQuote = 'String' ,
jsonString = 'Normal' ,
jsonStringSQError = 'Exception',
--[[ 4.3.12. Make ]]
makeCommands = 'Statment',
makeSpecTarget = 'Type' ,
--[[ 4.3.13. Markdown ]]
markdownH1 = { fg=green_dark, style='bold' },
markdownH2 = { fg=red_light, style='bold' },
markdownH3 = { fg=green, style='bold' },
markdownH4 = { fg=purple, style='bold' },
markdownH5 = { fg=orange, style='bold' },
markdownH6 = { fg=yellow, style='bold' },
mkdBold = 'SpecialComment' ,
mkdCode = 'Keyword' ,
mkdCodeDelimiter = 'mkdBold' ,
mkdCodeStart = 'mkdCodeDelimiter',
mkdCodeEnd = 'mkdCodeStart' ,
mkdHeading = 'Delimiter' ,
mkdItalic = 'mkdBold' ,
mkdListItem = 'Special' ,
mkdRule = 'Underlined' ,
texMathMatcher = 'Number' ,
texMathZoneX = 'Number' ,
texMathZoneY = 'Number' ,
--[[ 4.3.14. Python ]]
pythonBrackets = 'Delimiter' ,
pythonBuiltinFunc = 'Operator' ,
pythonBuiltinObj = 'Type' ,
pythonBuiltinType = 'Type' ,
pythonClass = 'Structure' ,
pythonClassParameters = 'pythonParameters',
pythonDecorator = 'PreProc' ,
pythonDottedName = 'Identifier' ,
pythonError = 'Error' ,
pythonException = 'Exception' ,
pythonInclude = 'Include' ,
pythonIndentError = 'pythonError' ,
pythonLambdaExpr = 'pythonOperator' ,
pythonOperator = 'Operator' ,
pythonParam = 'Identifier' ,
pythonParameters = 'Delimiter' ,
pythonSelf = 'Statement' ,
pythonSpaceError = 'pythonError' ,
pythonStatement = 'Statement' ,
--[[ 4.3.15. Ruby ]]
rubyClass = 'Structure',
rubyDefine = 'Define' ,
rubyInterpolationDelimiter = 'Delimiter',
--[[ 4.3.16. Rust ]]
rustAssert = 'Debug' ,
rustConstraint = 'Operator' ,
rustDynKeyword = 'rustStorage',
rustGeneric = 'Delimiter' ,
rustEscape = 'SpecialChar',
rustIdentifier = 'Identifier' ,
rustKeyword = 'Keyword' ,
rustLifetime = 'Label' ,
rustModPath = 'Include' ,
rustNoise = 'Delimiter' ,
rustPanic = 'Exception' ,
rustRepeat = 'Repeat' ,
rustScopeDecl = 'Delimiter' ,
rustStructure = 'Structure' ,
rustUnused = 'Special' ,
--[[ 4.3.17. Scala ]]
scalaKeyword = 'Keyword' ,
scalaNameDefinition = 'Identifier',
--[[ 4.3.18. shell ]]
shDerefSimple = 'SpecialChar',
shFunctionKey = 'Function' ,
shLoop = 'Repeat' ,
shParen = 'Delimiter' ,
shQuote = 'Delimiter' ,
shSet = 'Statement' ,
shTestOpr = 'Debug' ,
--[[ 4.3.19. Solidity ]]
solBuiltinType = 'Type' ,
solContract = 'Typedef' ,
solContractName = 'Function',
--[[ 4.3.20. TOML ]]
tomlComment = 'Comment' ,
tomlDate = 'Special' ,
tomlFloat = 'Float' ,
tomlKey = 'Label' ,
tomlTable = 'StorageClass',
--[[ 4.3.21. VimScript ]]
vimFgBgAttrib = 'Constant' ,
vimHiCterm = 'Label' ,
vimHiCtermFgBg = 'vimHiCterm',
vimHiGroup = 'Typedef' ,
vimHiGui = 'vimHiCterm',
vimHiGuiFgBg = 'vimHiGui' ,
vimHiKeyList = 'Operator' ,
vimOption = 'Keyword' ,
vimScriptDelim = 'Ignore' ,
vimSet = 'String' ,
vimSetEqual = 'Operator' ,
vimSetSep = 'Delimiter' ,
--[[ 4.3.22. XML ]]
xmlAttrib = 'Label' ,
xmlEndTag = 'Exception',
xmlEqual = 'Operator' ,
xmlTag = 'Delimiter',
xmlTagName = 'Define' ,
--[[ 4.3.23 Haskell ]]
haskellType = 'Type' ,
haskellIdentifier = 'Identifier',
haskellOperators = 'Operator' ,
haskellWhere = 'Keyword' ,
haskellDelimiter = 'Delimiter' ,
haskellImportKeywords = 'Include' ,
haskellStatement = 'Statement' ,
--[[ 4.3.24 Lua ]]
luaBraces = 'Structure',
luaBrackets = 'Delimiter',
luaBuiltin = 'Keyword',
luaComma = 'Delimiter',
luaFuncArgName = 'Identifier',
luaFuncCall = 'Function',
luaFuncId = 'luaNoise',
luaFuncKeyword = 'Type',
luaFuncName = 'Function',
luaFuncParens = 'Delimiter',
luaFuncTable = 'Structure',
luaIn = 'luaRepeat',
luaLocal = 'Type',
luaNoise = 'Delimiter',
luaParens = 'Delimiter',
luaSpecialTable = 'Structure',
luaSpecialValue = 'Function',
luaStringLongTag = function(self)
local delimiter = self.Delimiter
return {bg = delimiter.bg, fg=delimiter.fg, style='italic'}
--[[ 4.3.25. SQL ]]
sqlKeyword = 'Keyword' ,
sqlParen = 'Delimiter',
sqlSpecial = 'Constant' ,
sqlStatement = 'Statement',
sqlParenFunc = 'Function' ,
--[[ 4.3.26. dos INI ]]
dosiniHeader = 'Title',
dosiniLabel = 'Label',
--[[ 4.3.27. Crontab ]]
crontabDay = 'StorageClass',
crontabDow = 'String' ,
crontabHr = 'Number' ,
crontabMin = 'Float' ,
crontabMnth = 'Structure' ,
--[[ 4.3.28. PlantUML ]]
plantumlArrowLR = 'Statement',
plantumlColonLine = {} ,
plantumlMindmap = 'Label' ,
plantumlMindmap2 = 'Label' ,
--[[ 4.3.33. YAML ]]
yamlKey = 'Label',
yamlBlockMappingKey = { bg=black, fg=red },
yamlPlainScalar = { bg=black, fg=green },
--[[ 4.3.34. Git ]]
diffAdded = 'DiffAdd' ,
diffRemoved = 'DiffDelete' ,
gitcommitHeader = 'SpecialComment' ,
gitcommitDiscardedFile = 'gitcommitSelectedFile',
gitcommitOverFlow = 'Error' ,
gitcommitSelectedFile = 'Directory' ,
gitcommitSummary = 'Title' ,
gitcommitUntrackedFile = 'gitcommitSelectedFile',
gitconfigAssignment = 'String' ,
gitconfigEscape = 'SpecialChar' ,
gitconfigNone = 'Operator' ,
gitconfigSection = 'Structure' ,
gitconfigVariable = 'Label' ,
gitrebaseBreak = 'Keyword' ,
gitrebaseCommit = 'Tag' ,
gitrebaseDrop = 'Exception' ,
gitrebaseEdit = 'Define' ,
gitrebaseExec = 'PreProc' ,
gitrebaseFixup = 'gitrebaseSquash' ,
gitrebaseMerge = 'PreProc' ,
gitrebasePick = 'Include' ,
gitrebaseReset = 'gitrebaseLabel' ,
gitrebaseReword = 'gitrebasePick' ,
gitrebaseSquash = 'Macro' ,
gitrebaseSummary = 'Normal' ,
-- Needed for treesitter diff
['@text.diff.add'] = 'DiffAdd' ,
['@text.diff.delete'] = 'DiffDelete' ,
--[[ 4.3.35 Help ]]
helpHeader = 'Label' ,
helpOption = 'Keyword' ,
helpHeadline = 'Title' ,
helpSectionDelim = 'Delimiter' ,
helpHyperTextJump = 'Underlined',
--[[ 4.4. Plugins
Everything in this section is OPTIONAL. Feel free to remove everything
here if you don't want to define it, or add more if there's something
--[[ 4.4.1. ALE ]]
ALEErrorSign = 'ErrorMsg' ,
ALEWarningSign = 'WarningMsg',
--[[ 4.4.2. vim-jumpmotion / vim-easymotion ]]
EasyMotion = 'IncSearch' ,
JumpMotion = 'EasyMotion',
--[[ 4.4.3. vim-markdown ]]
htmlH1 = 'markdownH1',
htmlH2 = 'markdownH2',
htmlH3 = 'markdownH3',
htmlH4 = 'markdownH4',
htmlH5 = 'markdownH5',
htmlH6 = 'markdownH6',
--[[ 4.4.4. vim-gitgutter / vim-signify ]]
GitGutterAdd = { fg=green },
GitGutterChange = { fg=yellow },
GitGutterDelete = { fg=red },
GitGutterChangeDelete = { fg=orange },
SignifySignAdd = 'GitGutterAdd' ,
SignifySignChange = 'GitGutterChange' ,
SignifySignDelete = 'GitGutterDelete' ,
SignifySignChangeDelete = 'GitGutterChangeDelete',
--[[ 4.4.5. vim-indent-guides ]]
IndentGuidesOdd = { bg=darkgrey },
IndentGuidesEven = { bg=grey },
--[[ 4.4.7. NERDTree ]]
NERDTreeCWD = 'Label' ,
NERDTreeUp = 'Operator' ,
NERDTreeDir = 'Directory' ,
NERDTreeDirSlash = 'Delimiter' ,
NERDTreeOpenable = 'NERDTreeDir' ,
NERDTreeClosable = 'NERDTreeOpenable',
NERDTreeExecFile = 'Function' ,
NERDTreeLinkTarget = 'Tag' ,
--[[ 4.4.8 SearchLight ]]
SearchLight = { bg=black, fg=orange, style={'bold', 'italic', 'underline' }},
--[[ 4.4.9 Sneak ]]
Sneak = { bg=red, fg=black, style='bold' },
SneakScope = { bg=black, fg=orange, style={'bold', 'underline' }},
--[[ 4.4.10 Which key ]]
WhichKey = 'Function' ,
WhichKeySeperator = {bg=black, fg=green},
WhichKeyGroup = 'Keyword' ,
WhichKeyDesc = {bg=black, fg=orange},
WhichKeyFloating = 'Pmenu' ,
--[[ 4.4.11 conflict-marker ]]
ConflictMarkerBegin = { bg=black, fg=purple },
ConflictMarkerEnd = { bg=black, fg=purple },
ConflictMarkerOurs = { bg=black, fg=green },
ConflictMarkerTheirs = { bg=black, fg=red },
ConflictMarkerCommonAncestorsHunk = { bg=black, fg=orange },
--[[ 4.4.12 hlslens ]]
HlSearchLensCur = 'SearchLight',
HlSearchLens = 'IncSearch',
HlSearchCur = 'SearchLight',
--[[ 4.4.13 pandoc ]]
pandocAtxHeader = { bg=black, fg=aqua },
pandocAtxStart = { bg=black, fg=orange },
pandocDelimitedCodeBlockStart = { bg=black, fg=green },
pandocDelimitedCodeBlockEnd = { bg=black, fg=green },
pandocDelimitedCodeBlockLanguage = 'Comment',
pandocListItemBullet = { bg=black, fg=purple },
pandocUListItemBullet = { bg=black, fg=purple },
pandocReferenceURL = { bg=black, fg=pink, style={'underline' }},
pandocReferenceDefinition = { bg=black, fg=aqua, style={'bold' }},
pandocEmphasis = { bg=black, fg=purple, style={'italic' }},
pandocStrong = { bg=black, fg=purple, style={'bold' }},
pandocStrongEmphasis = { bg=black, fg=purple, style={'bold', 'italic' }},
pandocStrongInEmphasis = 'pandocStrongEmphasis',
pandocEmphasisInStrong = 'pandocStrongEmphasis',
--[[ 4.4.14 Hop ]]
HopNextKey = { bg=red , fg=black , style='bold' },
HopNextKey1 = { bg=black, fg=orange , style='bold' },
HopNextKey2 = { bg=black, fg=purple , style='bold' },
HopUnmatched = { bg=black, fg=lightgrey, style='bold' },
HopCursor = { bg=black, fg=aqua , style='bold' },
--[[ 4.4.15 Mini ]]
MiniTrailspace = { fg = red , style={ 'bold' , 'inverse' }},
MiniJump = { fg = red , style={ 'underline', 'nocombine' }},
MiniJump2dDim = 'NonText' ,
MiniJump2dSpot = { fg = red , style={ 'underline', 'nocombine' }},
MiniJump2dSpotUnique = { fg = red , style={ 'bold' , 'nocombine' }},
MiniJump2dSpotAhead = { fg = white, style={ 'nocombine' }},
@ -126,6 +126,3 @@ require 'autocmd'
require 'keymappings'
require 'lsp'
require 'treesitter'
-- Load our custom color scheme
@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
--- @class Yolokai.Definition
--- @field bg? string|table the background color
--- @field blend? number the transparency value
--- @field dark? Yolokai.Definition special highlight definition for when `&bg` is 'dark'
--- @field fg? string|table the foreground color
--- @field light? Yolokai.Definition special highlight definition for when `&bg` is 'light'
--- @field style? Yolokai.Style special appearance alterations
--- @class Yolokai.Style
--- @field color string|table color of underline or undercurl
--[[/* Vars */]]
--- Which index to use for `gui` highlights.
local _PALETTE_HEX = 1
--- The `string` type.
local _TYPE_STRING = type ''
--- The `table` type.
local _TYPE_TABLE = type {}
--[[/* Helper Functions */]]
--- @param color? string|table the color name or definition
--- @param index number
--- @return nil|number|string color_value a hex, 16-bit, or ANSI color. "NONE" by default
local function get(color, index) -- {{{ †
if color and color[index] then
return color[index]
elseif type(color) == _TYPE_STRING then
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:return-type-mismatch (we test for `color == string`, which is a subtype of `(number|string)?`
return color
end --}}} ‡
--- @param rgb string some string of RGB colors.
--- @return string hex
local function tohex(rgb) return string.format('#%06x', rgb) end
--- Create a metatable which prioritizes entries in the `&bg` index of `definition`
--- @param definition Yolokai.Definition the definition of the highlight group
--- @return table
local function use_background_with(definition)
return setmetatable(definition[vim.go.background], {__index = definition})
--[[/* Module */]]
--- A Neovim plugin to create more straightforward syntax for Lua `:map`ping and `:unmap`ping.
--- @class Yolokai
local yolokai = {}
--- @param name string the name of the highlight group
--- @return Yolokai.Definition definition an nvim-yolokai compliant table describing the highlight group `name`
function yolokai.group(name)
local no_errors, definition = pcall(vim.api.nvim_get_hl_by_name, name, vim.go.termguicolors)
if not no_errors then definition = {} end
-- the style of the highlight group
local style = {}
for k, v in pairs(definition) do
if k == 'special' then
style.color = tohex(v)
elseif k ~= 'background' and k ~= 'blend' and k ~= 'foreground' then
style[#style+1] = k
fg = definition.foreground and tohex(definition.foreground),
bg = definition.background and tohex(definition.background),
blend = definition.blend,
style = style,
-- Generate a `:highlight` command from a group and some definition.
--- Generate and execute `:highlight` command from a group and some definition.
--- @param group_name string the `{group-name}` argument for `:highlight`
--- @param definition Yolokai.Definition|string a link or an attribute map
function yolokai.highlight(group_name, definition) -- {{{ †
local highlight = {}
if type(definition) == _TYPE_STRING then -- `highlight_group` is a link to another group.
highlight.link = definition
-- Take care of special instructions for certain background colors.
if definition[vim.go.background] then
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch (`str.dark` and `str.light` are `nil`)
definition = use_background_with(definition)
highlight.bg = get(definition.bg, _PALETTE_HEX)
highlight.fg = get(definition.fg, _PALETTE_HEX)
highlight.blend = definition.blend
local style = definition.style
if type(style) == _TYPE_TABLE then
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:param-type-mismatch (we check `type(style) == 'table'` right above this)
for _, option in ipairs(style) do highlight[option] = true end
--- @diagnostic disable-next-line:need-check-nil (we check `type(style) == 'table'` right above this)
highlight.special = get(style.color, _PALETTE_HEX)
elseif style then
highlight[style] = true
highlight.reverse = highlight.inverse
highlight.inverse = nil
vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, group_name, highlight)
end --}}} ‡
return setmetatable(yolokai, {__call = function(self, normal, highlights)
--- resolve highlight groups being defined by function calls.
--- @param tbl table the current table being indexed.
--- @param key string the key to resolve the value for.
--- @param resolve_links boolean whether to translate highlight links into full values
--- @returns the value at `tbl[key]`, when highlight links and embedded functions have been accounted for.
local function resolve(tbl, key, resolve_links)
local original_value = tbl[key]
local original_value_type = type(original_value)
if original_value_type == 'function' then -- call and cache the result; next time, if it isn't a function this step will be skipped
tbl[key] = original_value(setmetatable({},
__index = function(_, inner_key) return resolve(tbl, inner_key, true) end
elseif resolve_links and original_value_type == _TYPE_STRING and not string.find(original_value, '^#') then
return resolve(tbl, original_value, resolve_links)
return tbl[key]
-- save the colors_name before syntax reset
local color_name = vim.g.colors_name
-- If the syntax has been enabled, reset it.
if vim.fn.exists 'syntax_on' then vim.api.nvim_command 'syntax reset' end
-- replace the colors_name
vim.g.colors_name = color_name
-- Highlight the baseline.
self.highlight('Normal', normal)
-- Highlight everything else.
for group_name, _ in pairs(highlights) do
self.highlight(group_name, resolve(highlights, group_name, false))
Reference in a new issue