
Ignoring revisions in .git-blame-ignore-revs. Click here to bypass and see the normal blame view.

113 lines
2.8 KiB
Raw Normal View History

local remap = vim.keymap.set
local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true, unique=true }
-- Comment lines
-- Diff hunks
view = {
style = 'sign',
signs = { add = '+', change = '~', delete = '-' },
mappings = {
textobject = 'gh',
goto_prev = '[c',
goto_next = ']c',
goto_first = '<Leader>hf',
goto_last = '<Leader>hl',
apply = '<Leader>hs',
reset = '<Leader>hr',
-- File System
mappings = {
close = 'q' ,
go_in = 'e' ,
go_in_plus = '<Right>',
go_out = 'n' ,
go_out_plus = '<Left>' ,
reset = '<BS>' ,
show_help = 'g?' ,
synchronize = '=' ,
trim_left = '' ,
trim_right = '' ,
-- Vertical jumps/movement
allowed_lines = {
blank = true,
cursor_before = true,
cursor_at = true,
cursor_after = true,
fold = true,
allowed_windows = {
current = true ,
not_current = false,
labels = 'arstgmneioqwfpbjluyzxcdvkh',
mappings = { start_jumping = '' },
silent = true,
view = {
dim = true,
n_steps_ahead = 0,
-- Surround actions/vim-surround replacement
-- Highlight and remove white space
-- Key mappings for all mini modules we use
remap('n', '-', function()
return require('mini.files').open(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_name(0))
end, opts)
remap({ 'n', 'o', 'x' }, 'gS', function()
return require('mini.jump2d').start({
allowed_lines = {
blank = false,
cursor_before = true ,
cursor_at = false,
cursor_after = false,
fold = false,
end, opts)
remap({ 'n', 'o', 'x' }, 'gs', function()
return require('mini.jump2d').start({
allowed_lines = {
blank = false,
cursor_before = false,
cursor_at = false,
cursor_after = true ,
fold = false,
end, opts)
remap({ 'n', 'o', 'x' }, 'gl', function()
local mini_jump2d = require('mini.jump2d')
local line_start = mini_jump2d.builtin_opts.line_start
return mini_jump2d.start(line_start)
end, opts)
-- Replacement for f, F, t, T motions/Horizontal movement
remap({ 'n', 'o', 'x' }, 'f', function()
local mini_jump2d = require('mini.jump2d')
local single_char = mini_jump2d.builtin_opts.single_character
single_char.allowed_lines = {
blank = false,
cursor_before = false,
cursor_at = true ,
cursor_after = false,
fold = false,
return mini_jump2d.start(single_char)
end, opts)
remap('n', '<Leader>ws', function()
return require('mini.trailspace').trim()
end, opts)