
223 lines
4.6 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-11-23 16:04:03 +01:00
# coding=UTF-8
# These glyphs, and the mapping of file extensions to glyphs
# has been copied from the vimscript code that is present in
# all those glyphs will show as weird squares if you don't have the correct patched font
# My advice is to use NerdFonts which can be found here:
file_node_extensions = {
"7z": "",
"ai": "",
"apk": "",
"avi": "",
"bat": "",
"bmp": "",
"bz2": "",
"c": "",
"c++": "",
"cab": "",
"cc": "",
"clj": "",
"cljc": "",
"cljs": "",
"coffee": "",
"conf": "",
"cp": "",
"cpio": "",
"cpp": "",
"css": "",
"cxx": "",
"d": "",
"dart": "",
"db": "",
"deb": "",
"diff": "",
"dump": "",
"edn": "",
"ejs": "",
"epub": "",
"erl": "",
"f#": "",
"fish": "",
"flac": "",
"flv": "",
"fs": "",
"fsi": "",
"fsscript": "",
"fsx": "",
"gem": "",
"gif": "",
"go": "",
"gz": "",
"gzip": "",
"hbs": "",
"hrl": "",
"hs": "",
"htm": "",
"html": "",
"ico": "",
"ini": "",
"java": "",
"jl": "",
"jpeg": "",
"jpg": "",
"js": "",
"json": "",
"jsx": "",
"less": "",
"lha": "",
"lhs": "",
"log": "",
"lua": "",
"lzh": "",
"lzma": "",
"markdown": "",
"md": "",
"mkv": "",
"ml": "λ",
"mli": "λ",
"mov": "",
"mp3": "",
"mp4": "",
"mpeg": "",
"mpg": "",
"mustache": "",
"ogg": "",
"pdf": "",
"php": "",
"pl": "",
"pm": "",
"png": "",
"psb": "",
"psd": "",
"py": "",
"pyc": "",
"pyd": "",
"pyo": "",
"rar": "",
"rb": "",
"rc": "",
"rlib": "",
"rpm": "",
"rs": "",
"rss": "",
"scala": "",
"scss": "",
"sh": "",
"slim": "",
"sln": "",
"sql": "",
"styl": "",
"suo": "",
"t": "",
"tar": "",
"tgz": "",
"ts": "",
"twig": "",
"vim": "",
"vimrc": "",
"wav": "",
"xml": "",
"xul": "",
"xz": "",
"yml": "",
"zip": "",
2020-11-23 16:04:03 +01:00
dir_node_exact_matches = {
# English
".git": "",
"Desktop": "",
"Documents": "",
"Downloads": "",
"Dropbox": "",
"Music": "",
"Pictures": "",
"Public": "",
"Templates": "",
"Videos": "",
# French
"Bureau": "",
"Documents": "",
"Images": "",
"Musique": "",
"Publique": "",
"Téléchargements": "",
"Vidéos": "",
# Portuguese
"Documentos": "",
"Imagens": "",
"Modelos": "",
"Música": "",
"Público": "",
"Vídeos": "",
"Área de trabalho": "",
# Italian
"Documenti": "",
"Immagini": "",
"Modelli": "",
"Musica": "",
"Pubblici": "",
"Scaricati": "",
"Scrivania": "",
"Video": "",
# German
"Bilder": "",
"Dokumente": "",
"Musik": "",
"Schreibtisch": "",
"Vorlagen": "",
"Öffentlich": "",
2020-11-23 16:04:03 +01:00
file_node_exact_matches = {
".Xdefaults": "",
".Xresources": "",
".bashprofile": "",
".bashrc": "",
".dmrc": "",
".ds_store": "",
".fasd": "",
".gitconfig": "",
".gitignore": "",
".jack-settings": "",
".mime.types": "",
".nvidia-settings-rc": "",
".pam_environment": "",
".profile": "",
".recently-used": "",
".selected_editor": "",
".vimrc": "",
".xinputrc": "",
"config": "",
"dropbox": "",
"exact-match-case-sensitive-1.txt": "X1",
"exact-match-case-sensitive-2": "X2",
"favicon.ico": "",
"": "",
"gruntfile.js": "",
"": "",
"": "",
"gulpfile.js": "",
"": "",
"ini": "",
"ledger": "",
"license": "",
"mimeapps.list": "",
"node_modules": "",
"procfile": "",
"react.jsx": "",
"user-dirs.dirs": "",
2020-11-23 16:04:03 +01:00
2020-11-23 16:04:03 +01:00
def devicon(file):
if file.is_directory:
return dir_node_exact_matches.get(file.relative_path, "")
return file_node_exact_matches.get(
file.relative_path, file_node_extensions.get(file.extension, "")