Implement scanning using megaparsec

This is for the fourth chapter of Crafting Interpreters.

This is only a first pass. Still need to test complex expressions.
Basic scanning/parsing works. See test.
This commit is contained in:
Sanchayan Maity 2023-06-19 20:40:32 +05:30
parent f3bd555903
commit 997a0d11f8
7 changed files with 319 additions and 20 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

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@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module Main where module Main where
import MyLib (handleFileInput) import Data.Text.IO qualified as TextIO
import GHC.IO.Encoding (setLocaleEncoding)
import GHC.IO.Encoding.UTF8 (utf8)
import MyLib (runLox)
import Options.Applicative import Options.Applicative
( Alternative ((<|>)), ( Alternative ((<|>)),
Parser, Parser,
@ -19,6 +22,7 @@ import Options.Applicative
strOption, strOption,
(<**>), (<**>),
) )
import Options.Applicative.Builder (value)
data CmdLineInput data CmdLineInput
= FileInput FilePath = FileInput FilePath
@ -31,6 +35,7 @@ fileInput =
( long "file" ( long "file"
<> short 'f' <> short 'f'
<> metavar "FILENAME" <> metavar "FILENAME"
<> value "lox-input.lox"
<> help "Input file with Lox code" <> help "Input file with Lox code"
) )
@ -47,11 +52,14 @@ cmdLineInput = fileInput <|> stdInput
handleCmdLineInput :: CmdLineInput -> IO () handleCmdLineInput :: CmdLineInput -> IO ()
handleCmdLineInput = \case handleCmdLineInput = \case
FileInput file -> handleFileInput file FileInput file -> do
source <- TextIO.readFile file
runLox source >>= print
StdInput -> print "We do not handle stdin yet" StdInput -> print "We do not handle stdin yet"
main :: IO () main :: IO ()
main = do main = do
setLocaleEncoding utf8
handleCmdLineInput =<< execParser opts handleCmdLineInput =<< execParser opts
where where
opts :: ParserInfo CmdLineInput opts :: ParserInfo CmdLineInput

View file

@ -59,7 +59,9 @@ library
import: warnings import: warnings
-- Modules exported by the library. -- Modules exported by the library.
exposed-modules: MyLib exposed-modules:
-- Modules included in this library but not exported. -- Modules included in this library but not exported.
-- other-modules: -- other-modules:
@ -67,8 +69,15 @@ library
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package. -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions: -- other-extensions:
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
-- Other library packages from which modules are imported. -- Other library packages from which modules are imported.
build-depends: base ^>= build-depends:
, base ^>=
, megaparsec
, mtl
, parser-combinators
, text
-- Directories containing source files. -- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: src hs-source-dirs: src
@ -96,6 +105,7 @@ executable crafting-interpreters
, base ^>= , base ^>=
, crafting-interpreters , crafting-interpreters
, optparse-applicative , optparse-applicative
, text
-- Directories containing source files. -- Directories containing source files.
hs-source-dirs: app hs-source-dirs: app
@ -111,7 +121,8 @@ test-suite crafting-interpreters-test
default-language: GHC2021 default-language: GHC2021
-- Modules included in this executable, other than Main. -- Modules included in this executable, other than Main.
-- other-modules: other-modules: ScannerTest
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
-- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package. -- LANGUAGE extensions used by modules in this package.
-- other-extensions: -- other-extensions:
@ -126,6 +137,15 @@ test-suite crafting-interpreters-test
main-is: Main.hs main-is: Main.hs
-- Test dependencies. -- Test dependencies.
-- Ensure that tasty-discover is available even without installation
build-tool-depends: tasty-discover:tasty-discover
build-depends: build-depends:
, base ^>= , base ^>=
, crafting-interpreters , crafting-interpreters
, hspec
, QuickCheck
, tasty
, tasty-discover
, tasty-hspec
, tasty-quickcheck
, text

src/LoxTypes.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
module LoxTypes where
import Prelude hiding (False, True)
data CharToken
= LeftParen
| RightParen
| LeftBrace
| RightBrace
| Comma
| Dot
| Minus
| Plus
| Semicolon
| Slash
| Star
deriving (Eq)
instance Show CharToken where
show LeftParen = "("
show RightParen = ")"
show LeftBrace = "{"
show RightBrace = "}"
show Comma = ","
show Dot = "."
show Minus = "-"
show Plus = "+"
show Semicolon = ";"
show Slash = "/"
show Star = "*"
data MultiCharToken
= Bang
| BangEqual
| Equal
| EqualEqual
| Greater
| GreaterEqual
| Less
| LessEqual
deriving (Eq)
instance Show MultiCharToken where
show Bang = "!"
show BangEqual = "!="
show Equal = "="
show EqualEqual = "=="
show Greater = ">"
show GreaterEqual = ">="
show Less = "<"
show LessEqual = "<="
data Keywords
= And
| Class
| Else
| False
| Func
| For
| If
| Nil
| Or
| Print
| Return
| Super
| This
| True
| Var
| While
deriving (Eq)
instance Show Keywords where
show And = "and"
show Class = "class"
show Else = "else"
show False = "false"
show Func = "fun"
show For = "for"
show If = "if"
show Nil = "nil"
show Or = "or"
show Print = "print"
show Return = "return"
show Super = "super"
show This = "this"
show True = "true"
show Var = "var"
show While = "while"
data Literal
= Identifier Keywords
| Str String
| Number Double
deriving (Eq, Show)
data LoxToken
= Char CharToken
| Op MultiCharToken
| Lit Literal
| Eof
deriving (Eq, Show)
-- This is how Class Token is defined in Crafting Interpreters but we will
-- make use of the State in Megaparsec to report errors.
-- data LoxToken = Token
-- { tokenType :: TokenType,
-- lexeme :: Text,
-- literal :: Literal,
-- line :: Int
-- }
-- deriving (Eq)
-- instance Show LoxToken where
-- show (Token tokenType lexeme literal _) = show tokenType ++ " " ++ show lexeme ++ " " ++ show literal

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@ -1,4 +1,132 @@
module MyLib (handleFileInput) where module MyLib (runLox) where
handleFileInput :: FilePath -> IO () import Data.Text (Text, pack, unpack)
handleFileInput _ = putStrLn "handleFileInput" import Data.Void (Void)
import GHC.Float (int2Double)
import LoxTypes
import Text.Megaparsec hiding (State)
import Text.Megaparsec.Char
import Text.Megaparsec.Char.Lexer qualified as L
type LoxParser = Parsec Void Text
runLox :: (Monad m) => Text -> m [Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) [LoxToken]]
runLox loxSource = return $ runLoxParser <$> (pack <$> lines (unpack loxSource))
skipSpaceOrComment :: LoxParser ()
skipSpaceOrComment =
(L.skipLineComment "//")
(L.skipBlockComment "/*" "*/")
scanCharToken :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanCharToken = do
try leftParen
<|> try rightParen
<|> try leftBrace
<|> try rightBrace
<|> try rightBrace
<|> try comma
<|> try dot
<|> try minus
<|> try plus
<|> try semiColon
<|> try slash
<|> try star
leftParen = char '(' >> return (Char LeftParen)
rightParen = char ')' >> return (Char RightParen)
leftBrace = char '{' >> return (Char LeftBrace)
rightBrace = char '}' >> return (Char RightBrace)
comma = char ',' >> return (Char Comma)
dot = char '.' >> return (Char Dot)
minus = char '-' >> return (Char Minus)
plus = char '+' >> return (Char Plus)
semiColon = char ';' >> return (Char Semicolon)
star = char '*' >> return (Char Star)
slash = char '/' >> return (Char Slash)
scanOperators :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanOperators = do
try bangEqual
<|> try bang
<|> try equalEqual
<|> try equal
<|> try greaterEqual
<|> try greater
<|> try lessEqual
<|> try less
bangEqual = char '!' >> char '=' >> return (Op BangEqual)
bang = char '!' >> return (Op Bang)
equalEqual = char '=' >> char '=' >> return (Op EqualEqual)
equal = char '=' >> return (Op Equal)
greaterEqual = char '>' >> char '=' >> return (Op GreaterEqual)
greater = char '>' >> return (Op Greater)
lessEqual = char '<' >> char '=' >> return (Op LessEqual)
less = char '<' >> return (Op Less)
scanStringLiteral :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanStringLiteral = do
s <- char '"' >> manyTill L.charLiteral (char '"')
return (Lit $ Str s)
scanNumberLiteral :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanNumberLiteral = do
try tryFloat <|> try tryDecimal
tryFloat = Lit . Number <$> L.float
tryDecimal = Lit . Number . int2Double <$> L.decimal
scanIdentifiers :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanIdentifiers =
<|> iclass
<|> ielse
<|> ifalse
<|> ifunc
<|> ifor
<|> iif
<|> inil
<|> ior
<|> iprint
<|> ireturn
<|> isuper
<|> ithis
<|> itrue
<|> ivar
<|> iwhile
iand = try (string "and") >> return (Lit $ Identifier And)
iclass = try (string "class") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Class)
ielse = try (string "else") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Else)
ifalse = try (string "false") >> return (Lit $ Identifier LoxTypes.False)
ifunc = try (string "fun") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Func)
ifor = try (string "for") >> return (Lit $ Identifier For)
iif = try (string "if") >> return (Lit $ Identifier If)
inil = try (string "nil") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Nil)
ior = try (string "or") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Or)
iprint = try (string "print") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Print)
ireturn = try (string "return") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Return)
isuper = try (string "super") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Super)
ithis = try (string "this") >> return (Lit $ Identifier This)
itrue = try (string "true") >> return (Lit $ Identifier LoxTypes.True)
ivar = try (string "var") >> return (Lit $ Identifier Var)
iwhile = try (string "while") >> return (Lit $ Identifier While)
scanLiteral :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanLiteral = try scanStringLiteral <|> try scanNumberLiteral <|> try scanIdentifiers
scanTokens :: LoxParser [LoxToken]
scanTokens = manyTill scanLine eof
scanLine :: LoxParser LoxToken
scanLine = do
try skipSpaceOrComment
loxTokens <- try scanLiteral <|> try scanOperators <|> try scanCharToken
try skipSpaceOrComment
return loxTokens
runLoxParser :: Text -> Either (ParseErrorBundle Text Void) [LoxToken]
runLoxParser = runParser scanTokens ""

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@ -1,4 +1 @@
module Main (main) where {-# OPTIONS_GHC -F -pgmF tasty-discover -optF --modules=*Test.hs #-}
main :: IO ()
main = putStrLn "Test suite not yet implemented."

test/ScannerTest.hs Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
module ScannerTest where
import Data.Either (rights)
import Data.Text (pack)
import LoxTypes
import MyLib
import Test.Hspec
-- Test are taken from
spec_scanner :: Spec
spec_scanner = do
describe "Correctly scans and parses keywords" $ do
it "all are Literal Identifier Keywords" $ do
res <- runLox $ pack "\"and\" \"class\" \"else\" \"false\" \"for\" \"fun\" \"if\" \"nil\" \"or\" \"return\" \"super\" \"this\" \"true\" \"var\" \"while\""
rights res `shouldBe` [[Lit (Str "and"),Lit (Str "class"),Lit (Str "else"),Lit (Str "false"),Lit (Str "for"),Lit (Str "fun"),Lit (Str "if"),Lit (Str "nil"),Lit (Str "or"),Lit (Str "return"),Lit (Str "super"),Lit (Str "this"),Lit (Str "true"),Lit (Str "var"),Lit (Str "while")]]
describe "Correctly scans and parses numbers" $ do
it "all are Literal Number's" $ do
res <- runLox $ pack "123.45 456.0 445.112345 123456"
rights res `shouldBe` [[Lit (Number 123.45),Lit (Number 456.0),Lit (Number 445.112345),Lit (Number 123456.0)]]
describe "Correctly scans and parses punctuators" $ do
it "all are char tokens and operators" $ do
res <- runLox $ pack "(){};,+-*!===<=>=!=<>/."
rights res `shouldBe` [[Char LeftParen,Char RightParen,Char LeftBrace,Char RightBrace,Char Semicolon,Char Comma,Char Plus,Char Minus,Char Star,Op BangEqual,Op EqualEqual,Op LessEqual,Op GreaterEqual,Op BangEqual,Op Less,Op Greater,Char Slash,Char Dot]]
describe "Correctly scans and parses strings" $ do
it "all are strings" $ do
res <- runLox $ pack "\"\" \"string\""
rights res `shouldBe` [[Lit (Str ""),Lit (Str "string")]]