--- author: Sanchayan Maity title: Arch Linux - Finally!! tags: archlinux ---

I have tried Ubuntu 10.04, Ubuntu 11.10, Ubuntu 12.04, Debian Squeeze, Mint Maya and Fedora. Of these, I have enjoyed Mint Maya the most. I got pissed with the Unity interface and though Mint was super nice, I wanted something more to fiddle with. Having heard of Arch and Gentoo being the two distributions which are toughest to install, but, customizable exactly the way one wants it, I decided to try one of these.

I surfed the net for a while trying to find which one will suit my need. Gentoo was super customizable, but, then I don't want to spent hours on customization. I decided to go with Arch Linux. When I checked out, 2011.08.19 was available and I started with that. After trying around five different times in the last three months, I gave up. Kept having problems with pacman update and glibc. I tried 2012.08.04 when it became available, but, i got problems with grub after rebooting.

Just recently, 2012.09.07 became available and I decided to try this out. Followed the instructions given here


to the letter. And viola, I successfully booted in Arch Linux. And it boots well even with just 256MB RAM allotted to it in VM. Took XFCE for a spin and gonna check out KDE along with Cinnamon and Mate as well.

Arch was not so tough to install after all. One just has to follow the instructions. Next step is to see if I can contribute to Arch Linux in any way.